Why Hire Consultants?

Consultants are experts in their own field and provide an unbiased opinion regarding an issue. In-house experts, though have the same level of experience and knowledge, yet fail to achieve results as they tend to become biased or has mental blockage due to their association with the enterprise. Hiring a consultant is both advantageous and disadvantageous.

Salesforce.com Consultancies


    Obtain the benefits of specialized expertise for solution selection.
    Get the benefit of an objective viewpoint.
    Obtain manpower which cannot be spared from day-to-day operations.
    Obtain a fresh view of an institution's operations.
    Cost avoidance.

Hire Salesforce.com Consultants


    Consultants cost money.
    Hiring takes a long time.

Why Choose Consultants vs.Integrators?

1. Solutions:

With no vendor tie-ins, the priority of a consultant is purely focused on the client. Integrators priorities are blurred, as they desire to sell equipment on later solutions vs. providing clear and objective advice. As a result, consultant solutions often include equipment, systems and process improvements, which can result in lower costs and greater creativity.

2. Breadth of Options:

Consultants are not bound by a product line, or the need to find a solution, as with an Integrator's line of expertise.

3. Detailed Analysis:

The breadth of analysis and approach is often far greater with a Consultant than with an Integrator. Tools include Simulation, Detailed Throughput Analysis, and Sensitivity Analysis where objectivity again plays an important role. The Integrator will generally seek to minimize this step and move directly to a solution-based approach.

4. Pure Client Focus:

For all the reasons above, Consultants have no 'ulterior motives' for creating the most appropriate solution for a client.

Salesforce.com Consultants